Join our commitment to fostering positive change in communities across Colorado. We invite you to explore our exciting volunteer opportunities. These positions can be done from anywhere in the state. If interested, click the apply now button below.
Thank you for playing a vital role in driving meaningful impact and shaping the direction of Colorado's future. Let’s move Forward…
Accounting Assistant
Time commitment: Flexible, approximately 1-5 hours per week
Provide guidance and assistance to the Executive Committee and work closely with the Treasurer in developing budgets, and tracking expenses and donations.
Blog Post Contributor
Time commitment: Flexible, approximately 1-5 hours per week
Create well-researched, original, and high-quality blog posts on topics relevant to our mission and current events in Colorado. Collaborate with our Communications & Infrastructure Committee to develop blog post ideas, ensuring they resonate with our target audience.
Elected Official Coordinator
Time commitment: Flexible, approximately 5-10 hours per week
Research and gather contact information about local elected officials across Colorado. Draft and generate emails to communicate with these local elected officials on behalf of Colorado Forward Party. Attend city council meetings and network with elected officials in the area. Collaborate with the Vice-Chair of our Executive Committee in maintaining these networks.
Events Coordinator Assistant
Time commitment: Flexible, approximately 1-5 hours per week
Help find events that Forwardists can attend to bring awareness to the Colorado Forward Party. Collaborate with our Events Coordinator to develop quarterly goals to increase volunteership and donation engagement.
Social Media Contributor
Time commitment: Flexible, approximately 1-5 hours per week
Create social media posts on Instagram, FaceBook and X to promote the Colorado Forward Party and to bring engagement to the website. Collaborate with our Communications & Infrastructure Committee to develop posts that engage independent voters.
Letters to the Editor Contributor
Time commitment: Flexible, approximately 1-5 hours per week
Draft compelling and well-researched Letters to the Editor on a variety of topics relevant to our mission and current events in Colorado. We have established contacts for all Colorado publications. Collaborate with our Communications & Infrastructure Committee to align letters with Colorado Forward Party’s messaging and the submission process.
Voting Reform Researcher
Time commitment: Flexible, approximately 5-10 hours per week
Research the twenty most populated cities in Colorado who don’t currently use ranked choice voting for their municipal elections. Gather contact information on residents in those cities that are running for their local city council. Educate these candidates on ranked choice voting in Colorado. Collaborate with the Colorado Forward Party’s Voting Reform/Partnership Committee in developing these candidate relationships.