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Kyle Aber Endorsement

Kyle Aber is a Democratic candidate for Pueblo County District Attorney.

Kyle was born and raised in Arvada, Colorado, and earned a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Colorado Boulder, and a law degree from the University of Denver. In 2014, after graduating law school and becoming licensed as an attorney, Kyle moved to Pueblo to become a Deputy District Attorney. At the Pueblo District Attorney’s office, he quickly gained experience in prosecution and moved from misdemeanor prosecution to felony prosecution after just 18 months. Kyle prosecuted all manner of crime until 2018 when he moved to the Pueblo City Attorney’s Office where he focused on municipal prosecution, legislation, liquor and marijuana regulation and enforcement, government transparency, and municipal law. Since 2022, Kyle has led the Liquor and Marijuana Enforcement Division for Pueblo County. Kyle and the love of his life Kat Young have a 3-year-old son Finely. As a family they enjoy the Colorado’s great outdoors and taking advantage of all the unique events and activities that Pueblo has to offer.

From day one, Kyle has been focused on bringing collaboration to the district attorney's office, representing every member of the community no matter their background, and implementing data driven solutions to solve the problems facing our communities. The Forward Party is exactly the partner candidates like Kyle need to help lift everyone up, empower them to have their voices heard, and work collaboratively to serve the people. Kyle has always been a middle of the road thinker. The vast majority of Americans don't want the solutions being pitched by the extreme wings of the either party. We need solutions that serve everyone's interests. The District Attorney swears an oath to the constitution, that oath stands paramount above everything else, including party. The Forward Party understands that and Kyle needs groups like them to ensure we protect democracy and the rule of law form those that would seek to upend our society for their own gain. When we work together, we accomplish more than we ever will apart. Together with organizations like the Forward Party we can take the vitriol out of politics and get back to the business of governing. Whether you are right, left, or center Kyle will work with you to make Pueblo a safer community. With partners like the Forward Party, we will serve our communities across the board to bring everyone into a brighter, safer, and more prosperous future.

The Colorado Forward Party is delighted to endorse Kyle Aber as a candidate with the integrity, honesty, and willingness to work with others (even from different parties) to best represent their constituency.

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