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Community Organizers

Community Organizations are the heart of the Colorado Forward Party. Our priorities, goals, and execution come through our community organizations. We cannot thank our local Community Organization leaders enough for building the party in their communities, listening to their neighbors and peers, and creating a channel for the party to represent our communities here in Colorado effectively. Below is a list of our current Community Organizations and their leaders.

Don't see your community listed below?  We will support you every step along the way in building a local organization!  If there is a community in your area, the lead can use as much support as possible to be successful.  If you are ready to get involved in your community, contact the Colorado Forward Party to be put in touch with appropriate leadership.

Boulder County Community

Executive Committee Member Steve Pittman leads the Boulder County Community.  Reach out to get involved.

Community Organizer Lead: Steve Pittman


Colorado Springs Community

Executive Committee member Wes Sawyer leads the Colorado Springs Community.  The Colorado Springs Community encompasses all of the greater Colorado Springs area. The Colorado Springs Community has been incredibly active at local events, particularly in Colorado Springs.

Community Organizer Lead: Wes Sawyer


Fort Collins Community

The Fort Collins Community has been gaining significant traction over the last year! The Fort Collins community is comprised of two parts - Colorado State University and the greater Fort Collins area. The two groups, of course, are not mutually exclusive. The CSU chapter of the Forward Party is looking for a new leader.  Do you know a CSU student who may be interested in stepping up?  

Community Organizer Lead: Write to a State Lead


Grand Valley Community

Wendy Petry, one of our Executive Committee members, organizes the Grand Valley.  This is a great area with many opportunities to recruit fellow Forwardists, host awesome events, and engage with like-minded individuals. The Grand Valley includes Grand Junction, Fruita, Palisade, Clifton, Loma, Mack, and surrounding areas.

Community Organizer: Wendy Petry


Pueblo Community

EC Member Blake Biegalski leads the relatively new Pueblo Community.  Details to follow.  For information, write to [email protected]

Community Organizer: Blake Biegalski