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Colorado Forward Community

The Colorado Forward Party starts with you and your community.


Sign the Affiliate Pledge

The Colorado Forward Party has released its official Affiliate Pledge for all volunteers, candidates, and affiliates to sign.

Sign the Affiliate Pledge


Join us on Discord

Join the Forward Party Discussion on Discord! Be sure to click the "Join your State" channel and click the emoji for Colorado (Click the "Colorado" button) and you'll join the Colorado sub-channel. We have Working Group Discussions as well as general discussion on Colorado topics there!


Community Organizations

The Colorado Forward Party is powered by our local communities! We are working to build the Forward Party directly in communities across the state. We are always looking for Community Organizers to lead in their local chapters of the Forward Party. It's not a big commitment and encourages Forwardists to plug into their communities and really start talking with their neighbors and peers. Click below to check out our current community organizations!

Community Organizations


Member Surveys

Our party is built on the thoughts and perspectives of our communities. We need your help to guide the direction of the party and ensure that the Forward Party continues to work for you! Check out our Member Surveys Page for current surveys that we are running.