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Colorado Forward Party Executive Committee Election Assembly agenda

  • Zoom manager Bret Batterman opens Zoom call and starts recording

  • Colorado Forward Party Secretary Johannes Plambeck verifies quorum and declares the virtual assembly in session

  • Colorado Forward Party Chairman Dave Ryan welcomes participants and states the assembly's purpose: To elect five new Executive Committee (EC) at-large members to 2-year terms

  • Dave Ryan invites a few of candidates for public office (whom the Colorado Forward Party proposes to endorse in the November elections) to make opening statements to the assembly regarding their pending endorsements

  • Executive Committee elections
    • Answer any questions from members eligible to vote in the EC elections regarding emailed voting procedures
    • Clarify that existing Executive Committee members will continue to serve
    • Introduce candidates for Executive Committee at-large memberships
    • Allow Executive Committee candidates who are attending to make a 3-minute statement
    • Play recorded 3-minute statements from Executive Committee candidates who are unable to attend the assembly
    • Allow a few additional minutes for candidates to respond to questions either immediately after each candidate speaks or after all candidates have made statements
    • Open the EC electronic election, allowing eligible members to cast their votes electronically

  • Optional short break: Ask if anyone wants a break in the meeting in order to cast their vote, answer a call of nature, etc

  • Announce Executive Committee election results

  • Dave Ryan describes at a high level the responsibilities of a Bylaws subcommittee which might be formed and asks members to identify themselves if they are interested in joining

  • Calls for action by participants in the coming months

  • Colorado Forward Party Secretary Johannes Plambeck adjourns the virtual assembly

  • Zoom manager Bret Batterman stops the Zoom meeting which ends the recording

Showing 1 reaction

  • Joshua Herr
    published this page in EC Elections 2024-08-30 11:26:04 -0600