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A New Cycle of Democracy - Election Results 2024

If you’re like most of us, election week was … memorable.

Much of what was on the ballot in Colorado directly affects the lives of our state’s citizens on a daily basis.

Celebrate Our State Winners!

We want to celebrate not only the success of our distinctly democratic election process, but those winning candidates who were endorsed by and supported by the Colorado Forward Party!

The system may not always go the way we want, as is true in every election cycle, but it did work as designed. And five dedicated individuals prevailed in their contests, and are ready and able to serve their fellow Coloradans:

Scott Bright, Republican in Senate District 13 in Greeley/Platteville/Fort Lupton/Brighton. Scott is a conservative civic and business leader who has been devoted to the communities of Senate District 13 his entire life.

Lisa Feret, Democrat in House District 24 in Arvada. Lisa is a former military policewoman turned social worker. She worked as a veteran's counselor while attending Colorado State University.

Bob Marshall, Democrat in House District 43 in Highlands Ranch. Born in Colorado, Bob joined the Marine Corps after Georgetown University (BSFS). After serving six years, the Marines selected Bob to attend Cornell Law School where he earned a JD & LLM in International Law.

Rhonda Fields, Arapahoe County Commissioner in District 5. Senator Rhonda Fields is a prominent figure in Colorado politics, dedicated to advocating for women, families, and our vulnerable communities. She was elected to the Colorado House of Representatives in 2010 and became the first African American elected to the State Senate in 2016.

Matt Salka, Democrat, La Plata County Commissioner in District 3. Matt is a dedicated public servant with over 10 years of experience as an elected official, currently serving as the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners in La Plata County, Colorado. 

The American Experiment Continues

The message of the Colorado Forward Party is that there is always something you can do. In our democratic system, the citizen has a right — and a duty — to take an active part. And we want to explore those opportunities together.

Were you disappointed, or delighted, with this year’s election outcomes? Get involved and help CO FWD continue to make progress in making positive changes in the process. Be a part of the solution, so our future freedoms will be even greater than today’s.

Get Involved

Whether you want to change your affiliation and register with the Colorado Forward Party, volunteer in one of our projects, donate — or all three! — just click back to our home page, and find the next actionable opportunity to make your mark.

Not Left. Not Right. Forward.

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