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Introducing our 2024 Endorsed Candidates

We are excited to introduce the dynamic group of 2024 candidates endorsed by the Colorado Forward Party (CO FWD).  Our candidates will strive to serve the people they represent as their primary purpose. 

For a look at them all, click to view our Endorsements Page, or read below to find the candidates in your district.

These individuals are dedicated to creating meaningful, non-partisan change in their communities and represent a wide range of districts across Colorado. Each has signed the CO FWD pledge to govern with integrity. Below is a quick introduction to our endorsed candidates:

2024 Forward-Endorsed Candidates:

​​•​Adam Frisch (CD3) – Adam is running for the House of Representatives for Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District. He has strong Forward Party support at the national level.

•​Christoper Sweat (CD5) – Christopher is the Forward Party candidate for the United States House of Representatives in Colorado's U.S. Congressional District 5 around Colorado Springs. He seeks to lead change in areas as diverse as the cost of living, immigration, artificial intelligence, and veteran services.

​•​Scott Bright (State Senate District 13) – Scott advocates for change from Greeley to Brighton and beyond. He is a business leader with a history of community service.

​•​Robyn Carnes (SD16) – Robyn is running for Senate District 16, representing Littleton and Centennial. The Forward Party is happy to endorse her.

•​Lisa Feret (HD24) – Lisa is a candidate for House District 24 in Arvada. Her background includes work in law enforcement and social work, and the Forward Party is happy to endorse her.  

​•​Ed Cox (HD 27) – Ed is eager to bring innovative ideas to Golden and Leyden. In addition to his political experience, Ed is an advocate for the local economy.

•​Eric Mulder (HD36) – Eric is a Forward Party candidate for House District 36 in Aurora. Eric is a veteran and is already making an impact in his district.

​•​Bob Marshall (HD43) – Bob is the current representative of House District 43 in Highlands Ranch. He has an established reputation for good governance through holding power accountable.

​•​Alyssa Nilemo (HD44) – Alyssa is a candidate for House District 44 around Parker. Alyssa has healthcare expertise and values working across the aisle.

​•​Steve Yurash (HD52) – Steve is a Center Party candidate for House District 52 in Fort Collins. Steve is a voice of moderation in Larimer County, and we are delighted to endorse him. 

​•​Rhonda Fields (Arapahoe County Commissioner D5) – Rhonda is already a prominent leader in Arapahoe County, having previously served in the CO House and Senate.

​•​Niko Woolf (Delta County Commissioner D3) – Niko focuses on leadership for Delta County, and we are thrilled to support his candidacy.

​•​Detra Duncan (El Paso County Commissioner D4) – Dr. Duncan is a current Fountain City council member. She is focused on public safety and affordability. The Colorado Forward party is happy to present her as a candidate.

•​Matt Salka (La Plata County Commissioner D3) – Matt is the incumbent running for reelection to his seat in La Plata County. He believes in solution-oriented government, and the Forward Party is delighted to endorse him for reelection.

​•​Thomas Aker (Mesa County Commissioner D1) – Tom offers a strong voice for Mesa County. As a retired professor, Thomas brings experience and dedication to his campaign.

​•​Ellen Angeles (State School Board CD3) – Ellen is a dedicated leader for education in Southern and Western Slope Colorado.  She values solution-oriented governance.

​•​Will Walters (HD65) – Will Walters is a candidate for the state house seat in House District 65 near Windsor. Will has actively encouraged an equitable power distribution in government, and we are happy to endorse him. 

•​Kyle Aber (DA, Pueblo) – Kyle is a candidate for Pueblo County District Attorney. He supports moderate, data-driven solutions to community problems.

The Colorado Forward Party is committed to identifying qualified candidates of integrity, honesty, and a willingness to work with others — regardless of party affiliation — to best represent their constituents.

These candidates reflect the Forward Party’s mission to bring pragmatic, solutions-based leadership to the forefront. We are proud to support them and look forward to their success in the upcoming election.

If you would like more information or wish to directly support these candidates, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. 

Thank you for your continued dedication to moving Colorado Forward 

Not Left. Not Right. Forward.

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